Youthful Days

Gleaners & Searchers Question Page

Important note:

Data Protection laws (GDPR) require that we obtain your consent before publishing your name and age in connection with any recognition of your achievements in the Bible Class.  You can download a form here to fill in and send to the Editor. You only need to do this once.

Bible Class Area for Gleaners and Searchers

The Bible Class section of Youthful Days is divided into three parts – Gleaners (age under 8), Searchers (age 8-11), Students (age 12+).  The Gleaners and Searchers files are held in pdf format and are available below.  Alternatively you can submit the answers online using the link below the menu items. Student questions are provided as a Word document in the Students Bible Class section.

The pdf file will be regularly updated to match the current magazine issue.  Please "right click" the link below and select "Save link/target as..." to download the file to a folder of your choice and you can then open it with Adobe Reader (available here).  

The PDF file can be edited with your answers and saved for you to return to the editor or, if you have a printer and scanner, you can print off the question page, fill in your answers and scan your copy to return it to the editor.  An instruction page is provided for those who do not know how to edit PDF files and draw in lines or circle text as may be required to answer certain questions.

Important note: the Comments facility in Adobe Reader is used to edit the PDF file, this option is not always available in the browser plug-ins for PDF files which is why we recommend that you download the file and edit it separately.

The following file is for the Jul/Aug 2024 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2024

The following file is for the May/Jun 2024 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2024

The following file is for the Mar/Apr 2024 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2024

The following file is for the Jan/Feb 2024 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2024

The following file is for the Nov/Dec 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023 

The following file is for the Sep/Oct 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023

The following file is for the Jul/Aug 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023

The following file is for the May/Jun 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023

The following file is for the Mar/Apr 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023

The following file is for the Jan/Feb 2023 issue of Youthful Days
Gleaners and Searchers  for those under 12 on 1st Jan 2023